Natural High​

Ecstatic Dance & Explorative Movement

What is Ecstatic Dance​​​

Since ancient times, dance has been a method to free oneself from cultural conditioning and limited perception of reality. It has been utilized to alter consciousness in countless spiritual practices. Modern ecstatic dance was revived in the 1970’s embracing the liberating effect, that free movement can have on the constructed ego’s need for control.

It is now found in many variations and interpretations across the world with a common foundation of being a space for: ​Free bodily expression in a substance free space where the barefooted dance floor holds great respect for the individuals boundaries. It is to be seen as a co-created dance journey where energy is being cultivated and exchanged without any talking throughout the dance.

​Ecstatic Dance is an invitation to approach dance as a moving meditation allowing your mind to just to be an observer of what is unfolding. A space where the heart is the dominating guiding force of the body movement.

This form of movement and expression can also be perceived as a self-healing practice, as subconscious layers within may reveal themselves throughout the journey. -and you have the allowance to be with and express whatever may arise.​

Personally I see ecstatic dance as a divine celebration of movement, sound, vibration and profound energy.

Ecstatic Dance Ceremony

Here the ecstatic dance is merged with a ceremonial practice, invoking Sacred Space for an inner and collective journey to unfold.

It is a ceremony of free movement and deep listening. We will merge with nature before the ecstatic dance journey, in order to strengthening our intention with the ceremony and train our capability to act upon our intuition.

By further playing with movement, sound and energy, our hearts are invited to lead a journey of exploration of our inner guidance. Whether that looks like jumping around or laying on the floor is up to you. Finally bringing the insights into tangible ways of implementing them into our everyday life.

Invoking this sacred space will allow you to freely express yourself while simultaneously practice deep listening within and around you as your body guide you even deeper into who you truly are.

It is an opportunity to receive guidance from your ancestors/ helpers/ whatever you choose to believe in, to whatever question you may hold. You may even receive visions and have an experience of connecting with a more vibrant version of your Self.

In this space the Ecstatic Dance is guided by a sound journey in the tones of folketronica, tribal trap, medicina, psy bass and shamanic downtempo mixed with some life-Performance, as the facilitator will add a sprinkle of Channeled energy through movement and sound throughout the celebration. 

The next upcoming Ecstatic Dance Cermeony will be a 'Ceremonial Cacao Dance' @ the festival: Gathering Of The Tribes at Møn on the 7th of July.

Customized Ecstatic Dance

I offer two kind of Customized Ecstatic Dances:

Ecstatic Dance Party for Teens

Here the same guidelines applies as a regular Ecstatic Dance. The focus is to provide a party scene for young people where no alcohol or other substances are consumed. With focus on free, respectful and fun interaction on an otherwise non-verbale dance flore. However with the opportunity for community building and social interaction before and after the dance.

Family Free Flow

Ecstatic Dance is for everyone who likes sound and movement. I have had great experience in facilitating dances where all age groups have been involved ~from 4 to 70 years. So a customized ecstatic dance celebration can be organized if you are having a family party, wedding or just wish to shake your community together in a joyful and uplifting way. -That at the same time has the possibility of creating deep connection across generations.

Please contact me directly if any of the customized versions has an interest and we will co-organize the event.

Do you have any questions or want to hear more

Natural High

Aligned leadership

Glasvej 20, 2. tv., 2400 København NV

CVR: 34942692

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Phone: +45 27198098


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