​Creating space 

Planting seeds 

Calling home to the heart 

Dancing and singing for the vision

​Channeling messages for a new beginning​

Multi-Artist    Guide   Ceremonialist

We are the world of unity in endless space of expression

Welcome to a variety of creative platforms, here to provide space for you to Feel your Self, Raise your Vibration and Create the Reality you wish to be part of.

In a transforming world with a shifting paradigm of perception, I believe that we are in the midst of an explorative journey of a greater understanding of energy and frequency. -How the cultivation of both can be a healing modality guiding us into our center and be a powerful source of creation. ​

Allowing this path to unfold in our lives, starts by listening to our intuition, learning to navigate the energies constantly guiding us and most of all allowing us to be who we truly are.

I am the founder of the following four platforms supporting this paradigm shift by encouraging living the way we wish to see the world blossoming into.

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Natural High

Aligned leadership

Glasvej 20, 2. tv., 2400 København NV

CVR: 34942692

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Contact information

Phone: +45 27198098

E-mail: info@naturalhigh.dk

Call hours

Anytime -just leave  a message in case my phone is turned off