
Vision Quest & Sweatlodge


I offer a variety of contemporary interpretation of native ceremonies facilitated i nature.

These are ceremonies of practicing deep listening, remembering our Souls calling and receiving guidance for our life adventure.

They all have in common that the foundational structure around the ceremonies is a wholesome and grounding understanding of the Medicine Wheel.​

​The Medicine Wheel is a methodological tool that can guide us into being whole, balanced and vibrational beings. Allowing us to remember that we are part of nature in its simplicity as well as complexity. It is in its most basic term mapped into the four directions of north, south, east and west, each representing an aspect of the significance of being a human being.

Working around the medicine wheel can show us our strength and possible unbalanced side and therethrough guide us into beings of clear intuitive navigations in life.

​Reawaken your inner wilderness - reawaken your Soul

​Vision quest

Ceremonial marking of life transition

Have you come to a crossroad in your life or which to step into something new?

​Vision Quest can be one way of marking a transition in your life.

This ceremonial marking from one stage of life to the next is a natural part of life in more or less all native traditions across the globe. It holds different names and was firstly described under a common term by the Anthropologist Arnold van Gennep, as Rites de Passage.

Vision Quest is the Native North American ​version of a Rite of Passage and it is with great respect for their tradition that I offer this pan-cultural and contemporary interpretation of their tradition.

I have been training as a ‘wilderness guide’ or ‘vision quest midwife’ with School of Lost Boarders in California in 2017​and this lays the foundational structure for the outline of this Vision Quest.

Vision Quest is both a personal and collective event of ceremonial marking of life transition. It is an event that is guided, witnessed and facilitated in nature and involves a four-day solo & fasting time. We will spend six day in preparation for the solo time and a further two for the importance of integrating the experience afterwards.

In the preparation for the solo fast we will, among other, work our way around the Medicine Wheel. The Medicine Wheel is methodical tool that guides us to remember that we are whole, balanced and vibrational beings who are part of nature. It is in its most basic term mapped into north, south, east and west, each representing an aspect of the significance of being a human being

In the preparation period we will also venture into nature by going on what is called “Medicine Walk”. This is a way of tapping into our deeper knowing by expanding the awareness within and around us. -A way of practicing deep listening to the guidance of our Soul, as it is being mirrored in nature. Potentially strengthening our intuition allowing us to receive insight to any question we may hold. The experience of these walks will be shared and mirrored to clarify the insights they may bring.

Additionally to the preparation time we will incorporate creative expression, free movement and voice exploration. This will all provide you with a solid foundation for creating your own versions and interpretations of ceremony during your four days fasting and solo time in nature. -Where you are further encouraged to open all of your senses and listening to the guidance that is always there for us to tap into.

The next Vision Quest takes place in Tisvilde Hegn 

22nd of August - 02nd of September 2023

Tisvilde Hegn is the wildest piece of nature in Northern Sealand where forest meets coastland and open heather landscape. It is a part of  “Nationalpark Kongernes Nordsjælland” and a “Natura 2000 habitat area”. -And where I used to go play together with my family as a child.

For further information about the Vision Quest please do not hesitate to contact me for any question or maybe concern you might have.

Secure your spot for the vision quest taking place this summer here:

​Phone: +45 27198098


For the preparation and integration days we will camp at the art gallery The Flying Turtle which is at a holiday house near to Tisvilde Hegn. Bring your own tent and sleeping gear and bring your bike cycle. Food is included prepared in community.

​Sweat lodge Ceremony

Sweat lodge -a Rite of Purification

Dive into the womb of the universe and allow your prayers to remind you of your brilliance.

This weekend retreat brings you through the entire journey of a sweat lodge ceremony. From the very birth of the physical creation of a sweat lodge to your own rebirth. Prayers planted in the stones and gratitude to every little tree you will cut for building the frame, all intensify the power of this ceremony.

The Lakota term for sweat lodge is Inipi which means 'to live again'. Therefore the sweat lodge is most often understood as a purification rite or seen as a kind of spiritual rebirth.

The sweat lodge itself represents the inner world, the womb of the universe from which prayers are heard and we can be created anew. The sweat lodge is headed by stones that has been heated in the outside firecircle representing the outer world and the sun.

The ceremony consist of four rounds. Between each round the ‘door’ is opened allowing light and air to enter the otherwise dark sweat lodge. Each round brings seven more hot stones into the lodge allowing the lodge to gradually intensify.

Throughout the rounds we will work with the elements, connect with the Devine and allow the rejuvenation process to unfold.

During the retreat we’ll utilize the methodological tool of the medicine wheel and incorporate a medicine walk in the ceremony.

The next ceremony is a weekend long retreat on the 12-13th of June 2022. Here we’ll spend the first day building the sweat lodge and working with our intentions for the ceremony taken place the following day.

You will be able to take these skills with you home, in order to build your own sweat lodge.

I also offer coming to your place building and facilitating sweat lodges. Please contact me for further details.

Secure your spot for the next sweat lodge retreat here:

I have been training with teachers from several traditions and call it therefore a Universal sweat lodge. With deep respect for the tradition I also draw upon my knowledge as a vision quest guide as well as being a body therapist and allow the ceremony to be a contemporary interpretation with relevance for our current livelihood. I always have strong emphasis on creating a space in which we feel safe in order to explore and expand.

Food is provided for during the retreat and prepared in community. It will be simple meals as it is god to be fasting and cleansing before the ceremony.

Bring your own tent and sleeping gear.

Medicin walk

​This type of merging with nature is called a “Medicine Walk” wich is a way of tapping into our deeper knowing by expanding the awareness within and around us. -A way of practicing deep listening to the guidance of our Soul, as it is being mirrored in nature. Potentially strengthening our intuition allowing us to receive insight to any question we may hold.

Do you have any questions or want to hear more

Natural High

Aligned leadership

Glasvej 20, 2. tv., 2400 København NV

CVR: 34942692

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Contact information

Phone: +45 27198098


Call hours

Anytime -just leave  a message in case my phone is turned off