…but stars in a vast universe


Living as an Artist and Facilitator I channel energy and weave it together with ancient wisdom traditions from all corners of the world.

Drawing upon principles and methods from contemporary therapeutic and creative practices and combine it with my academic

background provides the space that I facilitate with integrity, knowledge and a wholesome understanding of many walks of life.


Throughout the last 15 years I have learned and worked alongside many Shamans and self-development teachers; hosted ceremonies with indigenous leaders, facilitated festivals and retreats, sweat lodges and other vision quest related spaces, dance and sound ceremonies all across the world.




Cand.mag. (Master of Arts in Communication) Roskilde University -Denmark

Cand.scient (Master of Science in Geography) Roskilde University -Denmark

International BA. in Social Science, Roskilde University -Denmark


Originally I am a Commercial Helicopter Pilot, educated at HELIPRO New Zealand



Body Therapist 700h -PRYT, USA

Yoga and Mystic-Meditation-teacher 2x 200h -Yoga Alliance, India

Clairvoyant Counselor & Healer -Lone Hertz, Denmark

Ski-Patroller -Otago Polytec, New Zealand

Kitesurf-Instructor -IKO, Spain 

Ecstatic Dance Facilitator -Kareem, Thailand


Deepest teachings which cannot be minimizes into certifications  :

I’ve trained as a Vision Quest Guide with -School of Lost Boarders, USA

and dived deep into Month long Diet with –Yawanawa, Brazil 


Founder of:

Natural High and previous co-owner & founder of Soulsurfers and of Møn Retreat Center 

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